
How to do a french braid
How to do a french braid

how to do a french braid

Step 6: Secure the end of the braid with a rubber band. Finish your french braid with a simple three strand braid. Step 5: Once all of the hair has been incorporate into the braid, at the nape of your neck you will have all of your hair divided into three strands. Repeat these two steps back and forth, alternating side to side, until all of the hair has been added to the braid. Step 4: To repeat this for the right side, I carefully take all three sections of hair into my left hand and use my right index finger to take a small section of hair from the right side of my head and add it to the right most section of hair then cross it over the middle section. I use my left pointer finger to add a small section of hair to the existing left section of hair and then cross it over the center section. I carefully take all three sections of hair, each still separated by a finger in my right hand (see image below). Step 3: Holding the center and right sections in my right hand and the left section in my left hand, I cross the right section over the center. I don’t like my hair pulled straight back, so I left my side part and started mine just below the crown of my head. There will be a left section, a center section, and a right section. Step 2: Find three small, even sections of hair. If you’re not familiar with backcombing, simply hold up sections of hair and take a comb or a brush and brush the hair down towards the scalp. This is my favorite texture spray for this tutorial. Step 1: If you have super fine, straight hair like I do, give it a little texture with hairspray or a texture spray and some backcombing.


How To French Braid Hair – A French Plait Step by Step Picture Tutorial French braids aren’t just for school girls! It stays put all day, is practical but looks effortless and at the same time, put together. It’s easy, looks effortless and is pulled off your neck and from you face. This everyday french braid is everything you want in a hairstyle. With a little patience and practice, you will be French braiding your own hair in no time with this easy tutorial. Learn How To Do A French Braid On Yourself

how to do a french braid

This tutorial here is not the french braid of my youth. I have memories of being in the back of the mini van with a laser sharp focus to each step on the page. Finally, my mom taking a note from the “teach a man to fish parable”, bought me a DIY braid book that I instantly began studying in order to master my own french braid. The french braids of my youth were tight, rigid and designed to stay in for 2-3 days. My mom didn’t know how to french braid, so she would take me to the local salon on such occasions. I coveted them when I saw them walking the halls of my elementary school and was privy to them only on occasions such as dance recitals or wedding receptions. The french braid was my ultimate childhood hairstyle. Learn how to French braid with this step by step tutorial, for an effortless and chic style.

how to do a french braid

The French braid is such a classic hairstyle, and once you know how, it’s easy to do it yourself.

How to do a french braid